A.Yoshii Engenharia



Construction Company executes project in Santa Catarina for the WestRock 1 2021

Since June of this year, the Group A.Yoshii executes in Três Barras, Santa Catarina, the WestRock workmanship, based on Cellulose, Paper and Packings. Being one of the main suppliers of paper packings, with more than 2 thousand employees in Brazil and 54 thousand hectares of forests for production of paper and cardboard.

The engineer Ricardo Hirata Miyamoto, responsible for the workmanship, explains the project: “Our target contemplates the civil workmanships for magnifying the plant manufacter of the WestRock. The activities are fragmented in several areas, such as Woodyard, Cooking, New Pine Line & Retrofit, Evaporation Remaining Workmanships, Blow Heat Recovery, Non Condensable Gas System, Causticizing, Recovery Boiler, Turbine-Generator, Paper Machine, Power Distribution, Bop and others. Dealing with a extension made us develop many services of infrastructure, becoming inexact to indicate the accurate number of square meters”. 

As a reminder of the engineer it is the second time that Grupo A.Yoshii takes care of the customer: “Our first work, in 2011, running a civil workmanship building of the machine paper Nº 4 for the MWV Rigesa. Later, in 2015 the MWV company joined Rock Teen, forming the WestRock. Now we are with this work initiated in June of this year, scheduled to delivery by December. Being a great workmanship, with more than 400 professionals, among collaborators, subcontractors and service providers”. 

When the team of professionals of A.Yoshii took over the workmanship, had to face innumerable challenges, like giving sequence to projetcs initiated by another company: “The first step was to knowlege the main target to establish what had been executed and what was to be. It was not easy to initiate a new contract, in the height of the Covid-19, with rigid rules, quarantine of collaborators, keeping tests on date of employees, restriction of professionals on group of risk and other elements that impacted the schedule of activities. We had that to make a quickly management of collaboraters and a mobilization of new ones, due to the due date of delivery. Another challenge was to work with the factory in full activity and to execute the civil part in parallel with the mechanical and electric installations. The well done also for the effort of the team of Workplace Safety for the fulfilment of protocols based on security of the Covid-19, beyond the traditional norms”, from Miyamoto.


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